Ten Tips to Increase Website Traffic Without Any Expense

We use several strategies and search engine optimization (SEO) tactics to help clients increase their online presence and rankings through our Internet marketing and social media support, however, there are several things you can do for yourself regularly, to help increase your rankings at the major search engines that are easy to implement and maintain.

Here are 10 simple ways to improve your SEO with little to no expense (depending on whether or not you’re a Do it Yourselfer or have website support and maintenance done by a Virtual Assistant (VA), or in-house staffer/IT Support.).  I hope you find them helpful.

  1. Schedule regular updates and changes of information and resources on your main website pages.  This activity spiders out to the search engines to let them know something’s happening at your site.
  2. Add resources and links to other sites, even affiliate sites, where you can make a second income stream would be helpful.  It not only provides an additional stream of income, it also brings attention to your site.
  3. Update or add keywords and meta tags.  Search your niche and see what pops up, ask your clients what words they might use in a search engine if they were looking for you.  They may come up with words you hadn’t even thought of.
  4. Add features such as a newsletter subscribe, free report download, or survey questions.  Rotating survey questions is a great way to bring visitors back again and again.
  5. Use your website in your marketing pieces.  Write articles that would be of interest to your clients and include the URL on the print or electronic marketing piece to drive more traffic to your site.
  6. Create private areas of your website where clients can login and retrieve projects or files.
  7. Add a blog, or connect to your site from your blog, to increase search engine rankings.
  8. Find out what SEO (Search Engine Optimization) can be done manually and set a regular schedule each week, or several times a month to increase your rankings at major search engines.
  9. If you get an article published, post a link to it somewhere on your website, or include your website URL in the article or a resource box, so that people will have easy access to your site.
  10. Include your website URL on your letterhead, business cards, online directories, and anywhere else you can reasonably post it.

If you incorporate several of these tips into your regular website maintenance, and updates, you’re sure to see your numbers grow and increase your rankings making your site more accessible to your target market.

Jeannine Grich, CVA, MVA, EthicsChecked™, provides marketing and social media support, training and consulting to busy entrepreneurs. For information about finding a VA, download her FREE 10-Step Guide to Finding the Right VA, or to learn why Social Media should be an important part of your marketing plan with her FREE Report, Social Media Marketing Benefits, visit: https://accbizsvc.com, or contact her at [email protected]