Creating your company’s brand is extremely important to portray a stable, and profitable business. It helps people understand your position within your market, the promises that you make to clients and helps establish your expertise.
There are many parts to creating your brand. Branding is a product of intense planning and conceptualization. To come up with innovative marketing ideas and an effective way to brand your products or services, you need to carefully lay out the steps you need to get there. Doing so will also enable you to take note of the vital aspects involved in the creation of a brand. Brand models have been formulated to create the framework needed to build an effective brand that will be able to withstand market trends and competition.

What is a Branding Model?
There are basic models utilized in the process of brand planning. Each of them will cover different scopes and aspects of the process to create a sound branding strategy. Aside from the ability to postulate methods for arriving at a specific brand idea, these models will also help business people understand the behavior of prospects and clients in terms of their responses to a brand, which is helpful in adjusting old branding strategies or acquiring new ones.
All of these features are key in managing and reviewing brands, which are necessary steps that must be taken by any company in their branding efforts. These models are not directly linked but one does impact another.
Brand Positioning
This model involves your effort to create an image that will have its distinct position in the market. Firmly establishing your brand will help your target market to easily remember and opt for your line of products or services. This is one aspect of your brand planning wherein you must focus on creating superior brands that will eliminate your competition. Here are steps you need to look into:
- This is the step wherein you begin to identify other brands you are competing against. Then, define the parameters of your own brand against your competition. This will enable you to focus your efforts.
- Next, your objective is to introduce attributes to your brand that will enable it to stand out from the competition. You must also introduce elements into your brand that will produce in the mind of your target market the perceived quality of your brand.
- You must establish a slogan for your brand that will aim to reaffirm the position and values of your brand. It aims to articulate the message of the brand and what it promises to deliver to the consumers.
Brand Resonance
Once you’re through the stage of creation and distinction placement in the market, your next step is to protect the loyalty of your clients. To do that, you need to employ an efficient customer relation service and to provide a feedback system. This model follows from the initial steps laid out by the brand positioning methods. Now that you have acquired target clients, your next aim is to strengthen the relationship between them and your brand. After all, the majority of business sales stem from repeat customers.
More than anything, this stage is where you must reinforce the messages initially conveyed by your brand. Hence, clients will remain satisfied with the level of performance and quality delivered by your brand. Are your methods consistent to the identity of the brand and its missions? Take into consideration the feedback of customers on your product or service and how you can build up on that relationship.
Brand Value Chain
This one is more focused on the financial impact of your branding efforts. The basic idea of this model is that the value of the brand consists in the clients, so that is where you should be focusing most of your branding strategies on.
Carefully combining these various models will provide your company a reliable perspective of the different areas involved in this marketing activity. Bringing all these branding elements into the formula will enable you to easily track progress or problem areas in the branding system.
Jeannine Grich, CVA, MVA, EthicsChecked™, provides marketing and social media support, training and consulting to busy entrepreneurs. For information about finding a VA, download her FREE 10-Step Guide to Finding the Right VA, or to learn why Social Media should be an important part of your marketing plan with her FREE Report, Social Media Marketing Benefits, visit:, or contact her at [email protected]