Affiliate marketers are constantly in search of the most effective development and marketing platform. From ultra-effective HTML and CSS websites to Joomla-powered affiliate product shops and commission shopping databases, the range of affiliate websites built using different programming languages and content management systems is truly staggering.

However, beyond simply being effective, there is very little that makes an HTML website or Joomla-powered online presence all that wonderful. Sure, they work, but they are not the best websites that they could be. With WordPress, the most popular free content management system available, marketers have a greater degree of flexibility and power over their websites. Small changes no longer take hours, and adaptability — one of the most important site characteristics for good marketing — gets amplified to the point where it is dangerously good.
These four tips, strategies, and development tactics will help you design your affiliate websites using WordPress. When it comes to the top affiliate and CPA (cost-per-action) products, only the best will do. Give your best web assets the WordPress treatment, and make them ultra-fast, very flexible, and more adaptable than any other online presence.
1) Create templates and standard structures for your affiliate websites.
One of the most important qualities of any affiliate website is its development time. Manual HTML websites can be highly powerful and very customizable, but they’re slow. They take days to make, weeks to refine, and when other programming languages are introduced, months to perfect.
Use WordPress as it should be and create a range of templates for your affiliate websites. With a large enough library of WordPress user themes and pre-made template designs, you’ll be able to roll out new sales pages and product websites in minutes, not days.
2) Use SEO plug-ins to gain natural search traffic and cheap sales.
Whether you’re marketing through PPC, SEO, or social traffic, the importance of maintaining a search-friendly website remains the same. With WordPress’s huge range of built-in SEO options, crafting a decent search presence is simple.
However, most marketers don’t want “decent” search power, they want great search power. Add some plug-ins and SEO extensions to your WordPress installation and you’ll gain more than just decent search juice — you’ll become the most powerful website in your niche.
3) Use pre-made templates for quick sales pages.
Due to its position as the de-facto platform for affiliates, a range of themes and templates have been designed for WordPress with the specific purpose of making affiliate marketing and CPA advertising easier. They range from sales page templates to ultra-flexible “review” style themes, and they’re all very helpful. If you’re short on time but high on ambition, download a few and use them to cut down on development and website deployment time.
4) If you’re a high-volume advertiser, consider changing to HTML.
WordPress is brilliant, but it does have its limitations. One of them is its server load, which can be quite crushing at times. If you’re driving hundreds of thousands of views to your pages daily, it might be worth changing them to static HTML and CSS. Speak with a marketing expert and decide for yourself — a mistaken change could end up doing more harm than good.
Jeannine Grich, CVA, MVA, EthicsChecked™, provides marketing and social media support, training and consulting to busy entrepreneurs. For information about finding a VA, download her FREE 10-Step Guide to Finding the Right VA, or to learn why Social Media should be an important part of your marketing plan check out her FREE Report, Social Media Marketing Benefits, visit:, or contact her at Jeannine@accbizsvcs
Ready to find out how to take your business to the next level? Schedule a 30-minute complimentary session to discuss your marketing and website/social media presence, here!