We purchased new appliances for our kitchen three years ago, with extended warranties. The refrigerator started freezing over within the first 6-months, so we initially got service directly from the manufacturer. Eight months later, when the problem returned, we started working with the extended warranty through the point of purchase.
When we called about the problem for the seventh time two weeks ago, we again asked that we get approved for their ‘no lemon’ policy, which states that if you have the same problem four times, they will replace the unit. The response we got was almost comical.

Now the ‘no lemon’ policy is that you have to have the same exact part replaced three times and on the fourth call the technician can make a determination regarding replacement. So, the rules have changed.
When the technician came by last week, I told him everything that had transpired, including the two times the technicians indicated it was our fault, huh?
Surprisingly, after taking a look at the unit, and all my backup documentation, the technician said he would be dropping by the next day with paperwork to replace the unit, or to schedule a time next week to come back and replace a number of the main components to try and see what else they could do to rectify the situation.
FINALLY, someone who actually listened to the customer and was willing to provide a solution. He dropped by yesterday with the paperwork to secure the ‘no lemon’ replacement, so we’ll be shopping for a new refrigerator today.
What I learned is that customer service is not only tied to company policy, but to the specific employee or technician who responds to the call. They need to be checking more regularly to see how service is being provided to their clientele.
When was the last time you listened in on a conversation between one of your clients and an in-house staffer? Are you sure that your business principals and systems are being utilized?
I help clients setup marketing systems, but if the person responsible for the upkeep of the system isn’t consistently implementing it properly, especially in this economy, it can be disastrous to your business.
Setting up marketing systems is important to your growth and potential profit, make sure that your plan is being consistently implemented so you can track results and tweak as needed to get the biggest return on your investment.
Jeannine Grich, CVA, MVA, EthicsChecked™, provides marketing and social media support, training and consulting to busy entrepreneurs. For information about finding a VA, download her FREE 10-Step Guide to Finding the Right VA, or to learn why Social Media should be an important part of your marketing plan with her FREE Report, Social Media Marketing Benefits, visit: https://accbizsvc.com/, or contact her at [email protected]
Ready to find out how to take your business to the next level? Schedule a 30-minute complimentary session to discuss your marketing and website/social media presence, here!