How many times have you lost business to a competitor because your marketing strategy was lacking or even overwhelming? Some of my clients feel they simply can’t compete or they don’t have the money to afford marketing support. May times the problem is that we often feel that we’ve got to come up with some grand plan in order to get our business skyrocketing again. Don’t be fooled! Getting back on top of the market isn’t as tough as it seems if you try these high-impact, easy-to-use fixes.
1.The Magic Number – 1
Implement a “promote 1 item at a time” motto for your marketing strategy. Does that mean you can’t SELL more than one item at a time? No… but sometimes it may be best to wait until AFTER the sale is over.
When a customer sees more than one product or service offered at a discount, they may get confused. Which one is the better deal? Which one do they prefer? These questions encourage procrastination – one of marketing’s greatest thieves. Instead, offer the customer a product that compliments their business, helps them achieve their goals, or helps them expand and grow their business. Instead of losing a sale, you’ll add value to your relationship with your clientele, and add more profit to your bottom line.
2. Outsmart Your Competitors
Your competition is looking for you in all of the usual places, and using all the usual marketing methods. Don’t be like everyone else. Quietly look for new methods of promoting your products and services and new markets to target.

Niche markets provide the perfect sneak tactic for reaching new clients. Here’s they key… sub-divide your current market into smaller, more specific niche markets. Familiarize yourself with the needs and concerns of the niche, then present yourself as the solution to their challenges and problems. Leave your competition in the dust with the intensity of new prospects that will come your way.
Modernize an old marketing technique that still carries a wallop – postcards. Yeah, these small, inexpensive marketing tools still carry a personal message that is quick and easy to read, but with new high-impact colors and designs that capture the attention of clients. With the inexpensive marketing opportunities of the Internet and social media, most of your competitors no longer use the US Mail as an option to reach clients. Postcards are still an affordable option to reaching your clients and prospects and give them something to hold onto for when the need arises. Your competition won’t even know that you’re using them!
3. Encourage Communication
Communication is crucial to understanding your clients. Encourage questions before the sale, during the sale and after the sale. Make it easy and comfortable.
Provide convenient contact information on all of your sales materials, including Websites and social media platforms. If you find yourself overloaded with questions, create a frequently asked question page where clients can get the answers they need without claiming as much of your time.
Confused customers, tough competitors and communication mishaps won’t steal profits from your business when you fix things up with these 3 quick tips.
Jeannine Grich, CVA, MVA, EthicsChecked™, provides marketing and social media support, training and consulting to busy entrepreneurs. For information about finding a VA, download her FREE 10-Step Guide to Finding the Right VA, or to learn why Social Media should be an important part of your marketing plan with her FREE Report, Social Media Marketing Benefits, visit:, or contact her at [email protected]