Have you ever wondered how your competitors generate six figure incomes? Do you think they have a secret way of doing things? Do you make excuses for not being able to achieve six figure goals in your business? As a professional in your field or niche, you face many challenges when marketing and promoting yourself to achieve six figure incomes.
As we’ve helped more and more professionals grow their business through traditional and Internet marketing and social media, I’ve found several underutilized ways to entice the world to sit up and pay attention to my clients and their offerings. It’s not easy, if it were, everyone would be reaching their income goals. It takes a lot of hard work and you must be willing to consider things that make you uncomfortable or outside the box. Without these considerations, your business will stagnate. You must stay current with new trends and new opportunities to grow your business beyond your current level.

Here are five ways you may not have considered when looking to expand and grow your business:
- Create and submit press releases (not many people regularly promote themselves through the press) Use online ‘free’ PR sites as well as connecting with local media to build a PR database to submit your press releases.
- Drill down your niche into a market that ONLY you can fulfill (create a uniqueness about your product or service) – gone are the days when our niche could be a single target, like women 18-24, now we need to deepen our niche to something like women in the construction industry, aged 30-50, and making an income of $100,000 or above – this will help you focus your marketing on the specific target you’re looking for who is most likely to purchase your product or service
- Create eBooks, whitepapers, and audio/video products to sell online and off – try to have multiple products in varying price ranges. Having a range of pricing allows someone who may be uncertain of the need ‘sample’ your expertise by making a small purchase and working up to the more advanced and higher priced options
- Create a Joint Venture opportunity – find someone else who could benefit from a partnership in marketing to each other’s lists, and splitting the costs of print and Internet materials. Even just a simple mention to each other’s contact lists in a monthly eZine with a link to your website or blog could expose your business to thousands of new prospects.
- Speak or write articles to your target audience and capture their contact info through giveaways to expand your marketing list. Keep it simple, don’t ask for a lot of information, just their first name and an email list is enough to build your database with potential prospects who have an interest in what you have to say, and ultimately the products or services you have to sell.
Adding one or more of these options to your marketing efforts over time will help you to increase exposure to your products and services. These options provide a great opportunity for word-of-mouth and referrals, the most cost-effective ways to grow your business to that six or seven figure goal.
So what ‘outside-the-box’ marketing options have you tried lately? Please share your challenges and ideas by leaving a comment below.
Jeannine Grich, CVA, MVA, EthicsChecked™, provides marketing and social media support, training and consulting to busy entrepreneurs. For information about finding a VA, download her FREE 10-Step Guide to Finding the Right VA, or to learn why Social Media should be an important part of your marketing plan with her FREE Report, Social Media Marketing Benefits, visit: https://accbizsvc.com, or contact her at [email protected]