Any business will benefit a lot from various Internet marketing methods. But you don’t have to spend thousands of dollars just to get some decent exposure for your company. There are ways to make your business be seen and felt without doing overkill with your marketing dollars.

Make use of your online power – through Internet marketing. Here are simple methods that you may consider to boost the visibility of your business without shelling out more than what you can afford. However, these techniques need patience and some footwork to produce the best results.
First, you need a website before you can make use of these low cost Internet marketing strategies. If you don’t have one, create one using free technology like, or hire someone to develop a site for you. This will be used in employing the following Internet marketing techniques.
1. Affiliate Marketing
This is the process of recruiting a network of smaller websites known as affiliates to drive targeted traffic to a website. Ad copy and links will be provided by the companies you will be promoting; or by you if you are looking to setup an affiliate program. You will have to pay a certain percentage of the sales profit to your affiliates in order to take advantage of this type of program. If you become an affiliate for someone else’s products, you will earn the commissions for any sales generated through your site.
2. Links
One of your goals should be to attain a good ranking with search engines. One way to do it is through link building. This could be done through trading links to other businesses that are related with yours, or using social media posts to drive traffic back to your site.
3. Newsletters
Sending out electronic newsletters to your subscribers (those who signed up for your newsletters) will help greatly in establishing a good working relationship with your customers or prospective customers. It has to be short, sweet, consistent and written for a general audience.
4. E-mail Marketing
As one of the best cost-effective Internet marketing tools, it is a very important method of keeping your customers aware of your products and services. Just make sure to avoid spamming or soon enough you will have chased off potential clients and could elicit complaints.
5. Articles
If you put quality content in the form of articles in your website along with your products and services, search engines will have to index your website. Getting you website indexed by popular search engines means more traffic for you.
6. Forums
Expand your Internet networks by joining forums that mainly discuss items related to your products and services. Actively posting responses or answers and asking relevant information will build your reputation as that forum’s member and boost your company’s visibility through the connections you’ll make.
While these are certainly not the only low to no-cost marketing options to increase your Internet presence and grow your business, they are some of the best ways to start to develop a marketing plan that includes a number of platforms, on and off the Internet, to establish a profitable and growing business.
Jeannine Grich, CVA, MVA, EthicsChecked™, provides marketing and social media support, training and consulting to busy entrepreneurs. For information about finding a VA, download her FREE 10-Step Guide to Finding the Right VA, or to learn why Social Media should be an important part of your marketing plan with her FREE Report, Social Media Marketing Benefits, visit:, or contact her at [email protected]