Social Media Marketing has become one of the top options for small to medium-sized businesses to get noticed Online. Adding Social Media Marketing to your overall marketing plan can help turn lagging sales around. Take the time to be proactive and sign-up for social networking sites.
However, unlike some of your competition who may sign up and never use them again, you can easily show positive growth by using this innovative marketing option on a consistent basis.

Use the following six simple social media marketing tips to increase website traffic, grow sales and outshine your competition.
- Sign up for several of the top free social networking sites, like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter. These sites are simple to navigate and user-friendly (even for the technology-challenged!). And look for connections on these platforms to other people you know or aspire to do business with. Even connections to your current clients can be beneficial.
- Fill out your profile – This is important to your success on social media. Include links to your websites and blogs, which helps you get links back to these sites, increasing your search engine optimization (SEO). Include business contact information like email and telephone as you will WANT potential clients to contact you! To avoid spammers, you may want to use a catch-all type email account – [email protected] rather than your main business email. Be sure to provide a toll-free number, if your prospects can be outside your local area, and offer a street address only if you have a store front.
- Keep them coming back for MORE by offering something for free, industry news, valuable information and resources, a Free Report or White Paper, or maybe even a contest to attract a broader following. Analyze your target markets and hone your message accordingly. If you sell organic-cotton baby clothes you would want to target your message to moms, business women perhaps, or owners of baby boutiques. People want VALUE so give them what they want and they’ll keep coming back for MORE!
- Include a photo of yourself – People want to do business with someone they know, like and trust. A professional photo, not one of you and your children, aligns you with your business name and company, consider this a great branding opportunity!
- In this medium, less is more. Don’t be too salesy with your message, and don’t tweet about what you had for breakfast. You want to reel in potential customers, not scare them away. Get back to the basics of your marketing message and don’t over sell. If your message is perceived to be ‘spam’ you’ll get blocked by the social media sites and prospects. You want a fan base, not an “I Hate Your Business Because You Spam Me Too Much” club. Talk about your expertise and the value of working with you. Share results and valuable information and resources that establish your expertise without coming across as someone who is just looking for their next dollar.
- Keep it simple – Showcase your knowledge but don’t “talk down” to them. Social media is a great way to test what messages work and don’t work for your potential customers. Keep your language/message breezy and friendly (but with a professional edge).
Jeannine Grich, CVA, MVA, EthicsChecked™, provides marketing and social media support, training and consulting to busy entrepreneurs. For information about finding a VA, download her FREE 10-Step Guide to Finding the Right VA, or to learn why Social Media should be an important part of your marketing plan with her FREE Report, Social Media Marketing Benefits, visit:, or contact her at [email protected]