Category: Social Media Marketing

Three Tips for Crafting an Effective, Tweetable Message

Few social networks sum up public discourse more effectively than Twitter. Thanks to its short-form nature and enormous audience, a single topic of discussion can often evolve into a completely natural case study for marketers. Be it immense disapproval or the immense success of a single meme, Twitter offers a unique look into conversation. But […]

Three Tips to Creating Effective Social Media Communications

Most businesses recognize they should be using social media, but the trouble is very few businesses actually understand how to create effective social media communications for their business. It takes more than just a post to engage users and build social media traffic. Let’s look at three tips to create an effective social media plan. […]

Using Social Networks to Promote Your Blog

If you’re an avid Internet user and promote your business through a website, you know that enhancing your presence can lead to more traffic and prospective leads.  If you’re up with the times, you probably connect with clients and prospects through an informational blog page.  The big mistake many bloggers make is not promoting their […]

Helpful Marketing Tips for Busy Entrepreneurs

Like most business owners, you’re a busy person and at times it’s downright impossible to wear all the hats you need to wear in order to make your business successful. We’re here to make your life simpler and this article is going to offer some tips on areas that are no doubt time consuming for […]

Two Ways to Optimize Social Media for Maximum Results

There are hundreds of case studies built to highlight social media’s strength as a traffic generation platform. There are hundreds more explaining its ability to increase participation and inspire users to complete specific actions. What the industry is missing is an authoritative case study on one of the most important success metrics out there: its […]

The Four Biggest Social Network Marketing Blunders

Unlike other forms of online marketing, social media marketing has no stone-set right and wrong behaviors; no cost-per-user statistics, and there is, by no means, a code of conduct or behavioral plan that must be adhered to. While pay-per-click advertisers and SEO experts are inundated with information on what is and is not effective, social […]

Brand, Sales, and Balance: Are You Including Social Media with Other Online Marketing?

The 1980s are remembered for their developments in business and technology, particularly computing. The 1990s for their advances in technology, particularly the growth of the internet and online business opportunities. If the 2000s are to be remembered for anything (although it may still be too early to tell), it will be their developments in communications […]

Six Simple Tips To Boost Your Business with Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing has become one of the top options for small to medium-sized businesses to get noticed Online. Adding Social Media Marketing to your overall marketing plan can help turn lagging sales around.  Take the time to be proactive and sign-up for social networking sites. However, unlike some of your competition who may sign […]

Five Facebook Business Page Success Strategies

In recent years, having an Internet presence for your business meant putting up a website. While still an important feature for promoting your business, a website is no longer enough. Social media, is an essential feature of a successful marketing plan to reach your clientele. Facebook is considered one of the leaders of social media. […]